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White Brick Wall

June 2024 - Volume 36, Number 5  |  Be ye doers of the Word, and not hearers only. (James 1.22)

 From Tragedy to Triumph:
Kyle's Journey of Faith and Redemption


Kyle learned to humble himself before the Lord.

Despite his hardships, Kyle is guided by a faith that refuses to waver. A college football scholarship offered promise, but a tragic accident shattered it all. "I broke my neck in a car wreck," Kyle recounts. But from the wreckage, a vow emerged, a promise to live a life of purpose if granted a second chance. And God, in His infinite grace, answered.


Yet, Kyle's journey had detours. Bad life decisions led to prison doors, and a cycle of loss and redemption began. Through it all, Kyle grappled with his faith, learning the hard way that true surrender is the key to freedom.



"Wayside has given me the feeling of family and home," Kyle reflects, his voice laced with gratitude. Within Wayside, he found a community that embraced him, flaws and all. Through fellowship and service, Kyle discovered a sense of belonging that transcended blood ties.


Kyle works on Wayside’s fleet.

But it wasn't just camaraderie that transformed Kyle's life; it was purpose. As head mechanic at the Wayside garage, Kyle's hands mend more than just engines; they restore hope. "We're essential to the program," Kyle proudly explains. Through their fleet of vehicles, Wayside extends its reach, touching lives well beyond its walls.


Yet, Kyle's ultimate goal lies beyond the confines of the garage. "I have plans in the future to reunite with my children," he shares, his voice filled with longing. But Kyle knows that true healing takes time, and he trusts in God's timing.​





 If your church or school group is looking for a meaningful service this Summer, Wayside needs volunteers.

Summer is a time for connection and making a difference! We at Wayside Christian Mission are gearing up for our annual summer projects, and we'd love for church and school groups to join us. Volunteering with Wayside offers a rewarding experience for your group, fostering teamwork and compassion. You'll be directly helping those in need while creating lasting memories together.


Whether it's painting a shelter area or organizing clothing donations, your group's contributions will have a significant impact on our clients and the community we serve. Sign up today and make this summer one of service and growth! Call 502-345-9030.


 Louisville Metro Corrections Volunteers Recondition the Shelter Playground 


The volunteers also installed a giant checkers game for the kids

Louisville Metro Corrections Department volunteers painted all of the playground pieces.

Louisville Metro Corrections Department volunteers returned to spend a day sprucing up the children’s playground at the Shelter. And it looks amazing!


“Several years ago we adopted Wayside Park,” Chief Jerry Collins explained. We really just like to come out and either add to it or spruce it up every year. So we're painting and planting. We donated another piece of equipment this year. It's just something we like to do to give back to the community.”


Wayside is very grateful for the Metro Corrections Volunteers’ ongoing support of our playground and bringing happiness to many deserving kids.


Honoring Our Mission Moms

on Mother's Day


Moms got door prizes, nice purses, and a home-cooked meal served by country dance stars, Barbara & Chet!

On Mother's Day, Hotel Louisville hosted a special event to honor all our amazing moms staying at the Mission. The day was filled with a delicious lunch, lively music, dancing, and Karaoke. As part of the celebration, there were plenty of door prizes, including beautiful, hand-made Afghans.


Additionally, purses were given to all of the women who attended. Each lady was allowed to select a handbag stuffed with cologne, jewelry, hygiene items, and other small gifts. The handbags, many of them designer bags and all of good quality, were donated by various community groups and individuals.


It was a very special day for very special moms!   


Youth volunteers from YWAM spent time coloring, storytelling, and having fun with the shelter kids


​Mark & Pam Woods from Harvey Brown Presbyterian Church showing Louisville some love with donations.

Humana volunteers beautify
Hotel Louisville


These Humana volunteers are beautifying the stairs area.


A group of volunteers from Humana visited the Hotel recently to give some love to the exterior greenery.


They did an amazing job cutting away weeds and dead branches, and putting in new plants and flowers.


We’re very grateful for their time and efforts. Because of their efforts, the grounds have really come to life! Thank you so much!


Making great use of the wheelbarrow!

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