Call 502-584-3711 or 502-582-2241
To Reserve a Bed Call Single Point of Entry 502-637-2337
If no answer go to GET HELP, then Current Bed Availability
Financial Donations - 502-836-7661 or 502-664-7112
Clothing & Furniture Donation 502-584-3711
Donation pick-ups - 502-584-3711
Drop-off locations - 502-584-3711,
or, go to Item Dropoffs and Pickups
Recovery Program Admissions 502-345-9030
Veterans Program Admissions 502-656-2541
Family & Women’s Manager 502-533-6975
Overnight Shelter Services 502-742-6166
Low Barrier Shelter Manager 502-975-0095
Permanent Supportive Housing 270-307-5668, or 502-345-9030
Affordable Lodging Rooms 502-345-9030
Accounting Department 502-584-3711, or 502-582-2241
Volunteer Coordinator (502) 345-0081
Donations and Development Director 502-836-7661
Wayside Thrift Store 502-584-3711 or 502-536-5081
Questions about Hotel Louisville 502-345-9030
Tim Moseley (CEO): Text 502-345-1300
Nina Moseley (COO): Text 502-664-7112​​